Tuesday, October 20, 2009

National Champions

Its been a crazy couple of weeks with it all ending on Sunday as the Brevard College Cycling Team won the National Championships as a team in Trukee, CA. I couldn't believe it when I first found out that Brevard was the new national champions. I feel very privileged to be on this team and to be apart of their success.

Other than that I have been hitting the weight room pretty hard to build some lean muscle mass in hopes of getting a bit stronger come collegiate season, as I will be racing earlier then I ever have. My first race will be in February and the season will go until May where road nationals will be held at a place yet to be determined. I am guessing it will be east coast. I have also been running a lot lately which is a nice cross training to the bike and allows me some time off the bike to not get so burned out.

Today is also the last day of our fall break here at Brevard, which means we are starting the last half of the semester already!!! Wow time has flown here. I got my mid-term grades and I was pleased but there is still some room for improvement by the end of semester. I ended up with a 3.33gpa, if I keep that up or move it up higher, I will be on the honor roll which I am totally stoked about. Another recent change is that I am on the South Atlantic Conference advisory board which is a board that oversees the sports here at Brevard and we do things for the community as well. I am very excited to be apart of that. So a lot of good things have happened since coming here: national championship, member of the Deans Cabinet, member of the SAC Committee, and Honor Roll.

Even with all the great things happening here, I am ready to go home and visit my family, unfortunately this is still two months away. For Thanksgiving I will be headed up to Virginia to see Jason Bour and spend the break with him. I am super excited about that and I will get to ride with some of the locals there and hopefully meet some cool new people. Thats about it, I will hopefully have some more interesting stuff coming up soon and I will try and write more often, like next week. Until then, livestrong.

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